
ROI: Recruitment Marketing

With an effective recruitment marketing system in place, your recruitment channels are optimised to convert visitors to applicants, which allows you to spend less on advertising open roles. We predict that recruitment marketing can allow you to reduce your advertising spend by 50%, resulting in significant savings.

ROI Savings

If we consider the cost of advertising roles on job boards and maintaining a careers site, the amount it costs to secure an applicant for a role (Cost Per Applicant or CPA) can be high. In the marketing world, this is referred to as Cost Per Lead or CPL. In marketing terms, CPL is determined by taking the total advertising expenditure for a campaign, and dividing it by the total number of leads the campaign generates. The final number is the amount it cost to acquire each lead in that campaign.

Marketing campaigns with a high CPL are generally undesirable - often they are not optimised to reach the right audiences, or they may not have a compelling CTA, which means these campaigns receive low numbers of conversions. Campaigns with a low CPL are desirable: they are targeted and engaging, and are able to successfully convert high numbers of visitors to leads.

With recruitment marketing, the same principles apply. If your careers site or job boards are not optimised to convert visitors to applicants, your CPL - or in this case CPA - will be high. If your recruitment channels are optimised to convert visitors to applicants, your CPA will be low. Recruitment marketing can optimise your recruitment channels so that you can spend less on advertising - while still getting the same amount of applicants. We predict that recruitment marketing can allow you to reduce your advertising spend by 50%, resulting in significant savings.