
ROI: Reduction in new-hire administration and labour

Reducing administrative time and effort in onboarding can result in savings of:

Total onboarding program saving


Total data entry cost saving


Total saving

Implementing online onboarding systems saves time and energy. HR teams no longer need to print and assemble packets, and manual data entry is significantly reduced. Online onboarding allows processes to be pre-built and assigned to new starters as soon as they sign their contract, creating a great new hire to employee experience.

Case study: Lindt achieves $1 million in savings

By combining internal capability with PageUp technology to deliver mobile application forms, online contracts, onboarding, and automated payroll setup, Lindt was able to save $1,000,000 in its recruitment and onboarding – while delivering a great candidate experience.

lindt_logoLindt & Sprüngli Australia

By combining internal capability with smart technology we're celebrating anoterh milestone! In talent acquisition, we now retain greater control of the candidates we watn to attract, the brand and culture we want to project, and the channels that will best produce the talent we are seeking. From mobile apply, to online contracts and on-boarding, to automated set up on payroll - it's also delivering a great candidate experience everytime. https://lnkd.in/gTmzq3z


How much do you currently spend on physical materials to onboard each employee? If you think about how many employees you onboard a year, that’s a cost of potentially thousands that can be eliminated with online onboarding. Consider the cost per hour of data entry: if it takes someone an hour to onboard each hire, that’s a significant cost to your organisation. Online onboarding automatically captures data for each new hire, saving you administrative time and effort.

ROI: Reduction in turnover savings

Assuming a more engaging onboarding process facilitated by technology can reduce turnover by a conservative 10%, this can result in savings of:

Reduction in turnover costs

Total ROI

Reduction in new-hire administration and labour


Reduction in turnover savings


Total saving

90% of employees make the decision to stay at their company within the first six months. If your rate of new starter turnover within the first year is higher than you’d like it to be, it could be because your onboarding needs improving. According to researchers at SHRM, “Rather than setting new employees up for success, organizations with poor onboarding processes are setting the stage for an early exit.”

Effective onboarding practices supported by tech can reduce new-hire turnover by at least 10%. The primary goal of onboarding is to help welcome new hires into the organisation in a way that allows them to be productive as quickly as possible. Having a formalised and technology-enabled onboarding process helps gets them up to speed faster, increases engagement, and improves first year retention.

Without proper onboarding, employees are likely to become disengaged and disconnected from company culture. Scrambling to get up to speed without the proper tools to help them, employees lose productivity and employee turnover increases.

A high turnover rate can cost an organisation hundreds of thousands – even millions – each year. Consider the cost to fill a position as a percentage of that employee’s salary: the figure we commonly use is 60% of an employee’s salary to replace their role. By reducing your existing turnover rate by 10% and combining this with the reduction in new-hire administration, the savings can be significant.