
The offer was accepted, and now it’s time to put your best foot forward as you welcome your new starter into your organisationorganization. The first days, weeks, and months with your company are crucial in setting the tone for your new hire’s entire experience and long-term success. A well-thought-out onboarding process can help your new employees hit the ground running, feel connected to their team, and immerse them in your company culture from day one.

Let’s dive into ways to ensure you deliver an impactful onboarding experience that sets your new hires up for success.


Make the transition from hiring to onboarding seamless

Don’t wait until their start date to make your new hire feel like part of the team. A seamless transition between the hiring and onboarding process sets the tone for a smooth integration into the company. After they’ve accepted your offer, don’t let communication drop off; be sure to stay in touch to keep new hires engaged and excited.


Use informative welcome emails to build confidence for their first day

The time leading up to day one is an excellent opportunity to make your new hire feel confident and prepared. They shouldn’t be left in the dark about basic details like where to go, what to wear, or what their first day will look like. At Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), they go above and beyond in their welcome emails with details about how to navigate the buildings and where to go, the dress code that links to a Pinterest board with the types of things people wear, and where they’ll be eating lunch on their first day with a link to the menu. Providing them with all the information or resources, will ensure they feel prepared and show them that you are too.


DigitiseDigitize administrative tasks, paperwork and communications

Let’s face it—nobody enjoys being buried under paperwork on their first day. By digitisingdigitizing as much of the onboarding process as possible, you can make things smoother and more efficient not only for your new hires, but for HR, finance and hiring managers too. Whether it’s payroll forms, IT checklists, or mandatory training, these tasks should be simple to complete and provide the right people with visibility over what has and hasn’t been done to ensure compliance.

Camp Australia recently digitiseddigitized their experience with PageUp Onboarding, reducing the time needed to get new employees ‘ready to roster’ down from 3 months to 2 weeks. By leveraging automated onboarding workflows and reminders via SMS or email, they are able to free up time spent following up onboarding requirements and easily identify if anything is slowing down the process. This has enabled them to fill gaps in their workforce efficiently and prepare their educators to provide care to kids faster.

“Because of how the onboarding process has brought it all together, most people are through that process, from offer acceptance to their first shift within two weeks, which is a phenomenally good improvement. We can support people through the process faster and fill the gap in a much more timely fashion.”

– Craig Stewart, Head of People at Camp Australia


Equip Hiring managers to onboard effectively

To equip hiring managers for successful onboarding, it’s crucial to provide accessible and targeted training. Whether they are first-time managers, new to the company, or seasoned leaders, reinforcing the significance of effective onboarding is essential. One valuable tool for guiding managers is the 4 Cs of Onboarding, a framework developed by Dr. Talya Bauer, which emphasisesemphasizes four key areas: Compliance, Clarification, Culture, and Connection. This structured approach ensures that the onboarding process not only covers administrative tasks but also fosters long-term success by helping new employees feel supported and integrated into the company.

Since onboarding can be time-consuming, it’s vital that hiring managers are equipped with the right tools and resources. This enables them to deliver a smooth, impactful onboarding experience, ensuring new hires feel confident, connected, and prepared for success from the start.

“All of our hiring managers have asynchronous on-demand training about how to recruit, hire, and onboard well. Hearing the data and statistics about why onboarding is important is critical to help our hiring managers understand that they play the most important role.”

– Sarah Witcher, Senior Director of Employee Development and HR Communications at SCAD


CentraliseCentralize the process with an onboarding portal

Onboarding isn’t a one-size-fits all approach. PersonalisingPersonalizing workflows and setting up different processes and tasks based on roles or employee groups can ensure the onboarding experience feels relevant and tailored to each new hire’s unique needs. Using an onboarding portal as a central hub that your new starter can keep referring back to with helpful links and resources they might need, as well as clear onboarding tasks and due dates, will provide clarity and help keep new hires on track.

“We make sure all of our onboarding tasks are highly relevant and actionable, and PageUp has really enabled us to do that more efficiently. We can take digital forms that new hires previously had to print, sign, upload and email. Now we have a seamless process, where they can do that all on screen and sign paperwork within the onboarding portal.”

Sarah Witcher, Senior Director of Employee Development and HR Communications at SCAD


Focus on the moments that matter

Don’t over do it. Streamline administrative tasks to free up time for the things that matter most: building relationships and integrating new starters into the team. Hiring Managers need to ensure they’re set up with catch ups with the right people – key stakeholders, team members and relevant resources. Supporting your new hire to build their network internally will open lines of communication to enable them to access the information and support needed to succeed in their position.

Regular check-ins with their manager also keep the lines of communication open, offering opportunities to address concerns and celebrate progress. A buddy system can help by giving new hires a go-to person who can answer their questions and provide guidance as they settle in. A little effort here goes a long way in making your new hire feel welcomed and supported right from the start. First impressions last, so creating an environment where new hires feel welcomed and valued is essential.


Set realistic goals and celebrate small wins

Onboarding can feel overwhelming with the sheer amount of information new hires need to digest. Help them stay focused by setting clear, realistic goals for their first few weeks and months. What should they aim to achieve? When should they expect to hit key milestones?

Don’t forget to celebrate their small wins along the way. Acknowledging progress helps keep your new hires motivated, reinforces that they are on the right track and makes a more memorable onboarding experience.

A strong onboarding process is more than just paperwork and checklists. It’s about creating a seamless, supportive environment where new hires feel welcomed and ready to thrive. By leveraging digital tools, keeping communication lines open, and focusing on meaningful connections, you’ll build a positive experience that helps your new employees hit the ground running. What does your onboarding process say about your company?


If you’d like to learn more about how PageUp can help streamline your onboarding process and improve your new hire experience, check out our Onboarding solution and request a demo today!

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