5 recruitment metrics report 2022


A word from the author

We’re experiencing what may be the hardest hiring market in decades. From a candidate influx to a talent drought, recruiters are having to work harder than ever to simply get applicants through the door. 

With lean teams and lengthening time to hire, recruiters are working hard to fill the gaps. The problem and its solution lie in the recruitment metrics. But digging into the data is something many organizations struggle with. Which metrics will move the needle and which are simply vanity metrics? 

At PageUp, we work with organizations around the globe to improve their talent management processes with technology and analytics. In my role as Head of Customer Insights and Market Research, I’ve had the chance to speak with HR leaders across a range of industries to understand their pain points and challenges. 

All too often, HR teams aren’t looking at the right recruitment metrics, and as a result, aren’t getting the full story. In my work, I’ve uncovered five recruitment metrics HR teams can get enormous value out of, but which many aren’t tracking. 

The challenge for many organizations is establishing a baseline, drilling down into the numbers and making sense of their recruitment data to determine not just what’s happening, but why it’s happening. 

While metrics like time to fill or cost to fill tell you what’s happening, the following five metrics answer that ‘why’ question: they tell a behind-the-scenes story of what’s really happening with your organization’s recruitment in 2022. 

In this ebook, we’ll revisit each metric in light of the post-COVID world of work, and explore how they’ve changed over the past 5 years. 

Rebecca Skilbeck
Head of Customer Insights and Market Research

The state of the market

First, let’s set the scene: here’s the state of hiring in 2022. 

SHRM reports the average cost per hire in 2022 is US$4,700. But experts suspect that number may be even higher: up to 3 – 4X the position’s salary.

That’s factoring in the cost to post and advertise jobs, the time recruiters and hiring managers spend interviewing candidates, and the rising time to hire —41 days on average.  

Traditionally all we had to do was post a job description on a job board and wait for the applications to roll in —why can’t we keep doing that?

The world is very different than it was 5 years ago. Hiring has become more competitive, candidates know they have many choices, and people want to know how a job can make a difference to their lives. It’s no longer just about the money: jobseekers want culture, values, beliefs and benefits too. They want to know how their work will impact the world. 

But talent teams are stretched thin. Recruiter workloads are increasing. Many organizations decreased their talent acquisition teams during the pandemic and continue to operate with reduced headcount. 

At the same time, many organizations are now backfilling roles that were placed on hold, or replacing headcount amidst the Great Resignation. In 2021, 3.98 million US workers quit their jobs each month, according to SHRM data

Graph Advertised Roles And Submitted Applications

In 2022, the growth in job openings —that’s the light blue line —is exploding. It’s far exceeding growth in application volume. Drawing from PageUp customer data, job openings globally have increased by 105% from pre-covid levels, but applications have not recovered in-step. They remain 8% below pre-COVID levels. That’s a gap that can’t be filled by simply relying on old sourcing strategies.

The following metrics are designed to help organizations identify what’s working —and what’s not —in their recruitment process. Armed with these metrics, organizations can make informed decisions to cut their sourcing costs and evolve their hiring strategy for the new world of work. 

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