
No matter your organisationorganization’s industry, size, or location, strategic goals often boil down to a few common themes: improving efficiency, creating better experiences for key stakeholders, and achieving great outcomes through data-based decision-making. 

For talent acquisition leaders and teams, it’s easy to see how goals like these translate to recruitment. You may be tasked with improving hiring efficiency, delivering a positive experience for your internal team members and candidates, and using HR metrics to guide your overarching talent strategy. 

How can teams achieve these goals? It takes a combination of the right tools and processes. Recruitment software can supercharge your team’s capabilities —starting with your Applicant Tracking System (ATS). 

Whether you’re exploring ways to get the most out of your current ATS, find the best solutions on the market, or are building a business case to improve your recruitment tech stack, the benefits of ATSoptimisedoptimized recruitment are the same. 

Let’s explore a few core ATS capabilities and benefits, with strategic recruitment goals in mind.  

1. ATS software features to improve efficiency

For teams to achieve their greatest potential —the name of the game is efficiency. In the realm of recruitment, efficiency means making the best use of your valuable time and resources, providing great customer (and candidate!) experiences, and being able to spend more time on high-level, strategic tasks. 

For talent teams swamped with stacks of resumes, paperwork, and tedious administrative tasks, Applicant Tracking Systems help bypass these challenges. 

First, as a single source of truth, it’s an essential platform for recruiters and hiring managers to collaborate, access the information you need, undertake essential tasks, and get back to focusing on more strategic aspects of your role. 

Additionally, an ATS can improve efficiency by automating tasks, workflows, and communications. These capabilities simplify managing and processing applications, identifying qualified candidates, and hiring quality team members.   

2. ATS capabilities for improving the candidate experience & employer branding 

Job ads, applications, emails, interviews: there are so many touchpoints in the candidate experience. By extension, they also contribute to candidates’ perceptions of your overarching employer brand. 

Yes, recruitment marketing software is an important puzzle piece —especially pre-application. But post-application and beyond, is your organisationorganization’s hiring process designed to make candidates feel frustrated, or valued? 

Here’s where a great ATS can truly shine. Craft personalisedpersonalized communication, streamline job postings, and ensure candidates receive timely updates. It all contributes to creating a positive candidate experience and strengthening your organisationorganization’s employer brand. 

Lindt, for example, uses its recruitment software solution to implement smart, automated processes, improve the candidate experience, and reduce time to hire to secure candidates ahead of competitors.  

3. ATS-powered recruitment insights and analytics

We’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating. In the age of analytics, informed data-driven decisions are the cornerstone of organisationalorganizational success. 

Your ATS software may equip you with recruitment analytics and insights —but is it automated? Is it easy to view, understand, and explain? 

These abilities are a great first step. But, most importantly, harnessing these insights to make strategic recruitment decisions is what delivers the greatest impact. It could be fine-tuning your sourcing strategy, optimisingoptimizing your budget, establishing benchmarks, or measuring your team’s achievements. Ensure you’re using your ATS to its best advantage with recruitment metrics. 

Long-standing, national energy leader, Stanwell, for example, uses its recruitment analytics dashboard to manage a vast number of applications, and create greater efficiencies and workflows for its hiring team members.  

At the end of the day, tools plus processes, equals results. Your ATS software should work to enhance your team’s capabilities —to increase efficiency, create remarkable candidate experiences, and make data-driven decisions. It’s time to unlock the full potential of your recruitment process, achieve your long-term organisationalorganizational goals and gain the greatest return on investment. 


Ready to transform your talent acquisition strategy and rise above the competition? Explore the capabilities of a purpose-built, fully-fledged ATS like PageUp. Start a conversation today.

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