
PageUp welcomes Xref to PageUp Marketplace

We’re proud to welcome Xref Limited to PageUp Marketplace. 

PageUp and Xref have more than 50 mutual customers that use both best-of-breed technologies as part of their HR Tech stack. We’re thrilled to further enable those – we anticipate many more – mutual customers to optimiseoptimize talent management processes whilst delivering outstanding candidate experiences. 

Once the integration is live, PageUp users will be able to use Xref through their existing PageUp dashboard, and the reference checking tool will become available via the company’s online marketplace. 

The synergies between the two companies, that are both Australian-grown and have found success overseas, made the partnership an obvious choice. 

We’re delighted to partner with Xref to add to our extensive marketplace of best of breed HR technology partners. PageUp has a continued focus on ensuring recruiters and candidates have an exceptional technology experience – and Xref shares this vision. This partnership will allow mutual customers to initiate reference checks with ease and move candidates quickly through the recruitment process,” says PageUp CEO, Mark Rice.

Mutual client, Claire Pike, the recruitment manager at Anglicare Sydney says, “As a longstanding user of both PageUp and Xref, we’re delighted about this integration. It is going to make a huge difference to the efficiency of our team and the experience we can offer our candidates as they move through the hiring process.”

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